Ancient Order of Hibernian Division 23 (Lawrenceville)
Saturday, Feb. 24th, 2018 6pm-9pm
This event will feature music by The Bastard Bearded Irishmen and by Guaranteed Irish
The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is an organization founded in 1836 at St. James Church in New York City. The Ancient Order of Hibernians was originally established to protect the clergy and the Catholic church from the “Know Nothings”. The “Know Nothings” was considered a gang that was against immigration and spread bigotry across the United States. The Irish were targeted by the “Know Nothings”, because there were many Irish immigrants in the United States fleeing Ireland due to the “Great Hunger”. The Know-Nothings spread bigotry and prejudice against the Irish, while attacking the Catholic Church and the clergy. As the Ancient Order of Hibernians spread across the United States and the proud Irish population grew, the discrimination and the Know-Nothings slowly disappeared.
The early AOH started out as a secret society that assisted immigrants with getting jobs and protecting the Catholic Church. Today its purpose is to promote the Irish culture by the sharing of many Irish traditions that consist of the arts, customs, dance, music and the ever-popular yearly St. Patrick’s Day parade. Also, The Ancient Order of Hibernian is a brotherhood that promotes many benevolent activities by supporting many charitable organizations. The Ancient Order of Hibernians is one of the oldest organizations in the western world and their motto is “Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity”. The Ancient Order of Hibernians is blessed with the patron saint of St. Patrick.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a Catholic, Irish-American fraternal organization that consists of practicing Roman Catholics that are Irish born or of Irish descent and citizens of the United States of America. If interested in joining please contact one of our officers and download the application for membership. “To be Irish is a Blessing, to be a Hibernian is an honor”, please honor and support the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Ancient Order of Hibernians (A.O.H.) Division 23 is an Irish Catholic fraternal organization, located in Lawrenceville, Pittsburgh, PA, since 1903.